‘Rising from the Ashes’: How can the local church take a lead?

6.30pm Friday 19 March 2023 – dinner for clergy plus a guest, with Esther Prior.

Where do we turn for something solid in a world in crisis, and how can the parish church lead others?

The last couple of years – with their compounding challenges on a global and personal level – have made us more aware of our own vulnerability.  We have also been confronted by our own mortality. Where can we turn with the resulting big questions about life and death?  Can we, who have found in Christ Jesus the most solid and defiant hope, position ourselves to be the ones who call others to rise from the ashes?  And how can the parish church not only play its part but take a lead in doing so?

As we step into this space, Esther will offer 3 words to ponder and act on: Visibility, Invitation and Participation.

This is an opportunity for clergy to interact with one another and with what Esther has to say, and to do so with a lay member of their congregation.  So, this invitation is for ‘clergy plus one’ – please contact charlie@edgbaston.church.


6.30 Drinks
7.00 Main course
7.40 Talk
8.20 Dessert and coffee
8.50 Questions/Discussion
9.15 Close (although people are free to stay and chat)

About Esther

Esther is married to Matt, who is also ordained, and they have two children. She is the vicar of St John’s Egham, vice-chair of CPAS Patronage Trustees and a member of the Church of England Evangelical Council. Esther came to England from Zimbabwe for Theological Education in 1999.  After two curacies, she served as a school chaplain, a young offenders prison chaplain and a team vicar in Farnborough. Esther is passionate about the local church being a loving and growing community where God’s people are empowered and released to follow Jesus in their everyday lives, proclaiming and demonstrating the good news of Christ. She loves cooking, reading, writing, body combat, travel and time with family.