Vaughan Roberts on God, sex and marriage

7pm 17 October 2023 at St John’s Harborne – ‘God, sex and marriage: does it really matter?’ with Vaughan Roberts.


The Bible’s story of marriage is rich, varied and above all good. It is central to creation and redemption, so what we believe and teach about it matters. Vaughan will help and encourage us to explore why. Our hope is that the evening will be an encouragement to lay people and clergy.

Please join us at St John’s Harborne from 7pm for refreshments – we will start at 7.30pm.

There is no charge for entry – all our events are funded by members’ subscriptions – to join please go here.


19:00 Refreshments
19:30 Opening worship
19:45 ‘God, sex and marriage: does it really matter?’ (with time interspersed for questions)
21:00 Praying together
21:15 Finish

Vaughan Roberts has been rector of St Ebbe’s, Oxford since 1998. He has written widely on Scripture and issues facing the church today, including sexuality, gender and marriage. He was one of the founders of Living Out, which helps people, churches and society talk about faith and sexuality. Vaughan stars in CEEC’s video The Beautiful Story, which explores how the biblical view of singleness and marriage is good news.

St John’s Harborne is a member church of New Wine and the Evangelical Alliance, and can be found on Harborne High Street with a separate entrance on Vivian Road. On-site parking spaces are limited, so we ask people to leave them for those with mobility issues. See here for contact information.